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22349 a vc Speeding Ticket in California
22349 a vc - Speeding tickets in California are very common type of traffic violations that are issued mostly by the California Highway Patrol. Majority of the California freeways are subject to the State's Maximum Speed limit law which limits the speed limit to 65 mph. Violation of 22349 a vc carries a fine of approximately $230 to $500 and 1 DMV point. If you have a speeding ticket for violation of 22349 a vc you have a few options as indicated on the backside of your traffic ticket.
1- Pay the fine
- Pros - Quick & easy
- Cons - Financial cost of the fine and 1 DMV point which most likely will impact your auto insurance premiums for 3 to 5 years
2- Pay the fine and go to traffic school (if you qualify)
- Pros - This will keep the DMV point off your driving record
- Cons - Financial cost of the fine
3- Fight the speeding ticket in traffic court
- Pros - You get explain to the judge your side and why the ticket should be dismissed
- Cons - You have to take the time to go to court (half a day), you have to be able to explain your case in open court, for most people this is a very difficult and nervous situation, you have to face the officer, you may unknowingly self incriminate yourself, if you lose there is no second chance to fight your ticket again in court
4- Fight the speeding ticket with a trial by written declaration
- Pros - It is easy and fast, no court appearance required, you mail in your defense statement to court, if you lose your case you can ask for a new in court trial as if the trial by written declaration did not take place
- Cons - We cannot think of any
Here is the California Vehicle Code section for 22349 a vc -
Except as provided in Section 22356, no person may drive a vehicle upon a highway at a speed greater than 65 miles per hour.
If you got a speeding ticket for 22349 a vc and you have decided to fight your ticket with a trial by written declaration we can help you. We will prepare all your documents including your statement and all the necessary court forms for you and we will email you the finalized documents ready for your signature. All you need to do is to sign and mail the documents to the traffic court. That is it you are done. The court will take approximately 30 to 90+ days to review your documents and send you the verdict by mail. It is that simple.